"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
Jeremiah 29:11

Youth Ministry

The Youth at Souls Harbor is the student ministry of Souls Harbor Church. We believe that the youth bring revival, so we strive to bring groups of vibrant young people together to aid and support them to serve and live for Christ. Our mission is to know Jesus Christ and to make Him known. Whether in our Wednesday youth services or weekly group activities, join us as we work to be a family where you might always encounter the transforming love of Jesus as evidenced through His people.

Youth Class | Ages 13-18
Held every Friday night at 7:30pm.

Children's Ministry

The Children's Ministry is designed to connect children to God by cultivating an atmosphere that teaches there is safety in His presence, freedom among His people, and a place just for them in His story as they connect with each other and the church body.

Sunday School | Ages 4-12
Held every Sunday Morning following Sunday worship at 10:00am.


The Outreach team of Souls Harbor seeks to join with God in the endeavor to reach the lost in our community. Join us as we gather together We believe that all people deserve the opportunity to see and hear the good news of life in Jesus Christ. And we believe that all the church is called to this great task, both locally and globally.

Held the first Saturday of the month
at 10:00am.

Men's Fellowship

The purpose of the Men's Ministry is to reveal Jesus Christ to all men in order that God's Kingdom will be manifested tangibly in their lives. 

The Men's Ministry seeks to sharpen and strengthen men through God's Word, fellowship, encouragement and support.

The Men's Ministry is a multifaceted, comprehensive ministry that will expand the Kingdom of God by encouraging and supporting men to walk in their calling and purpose

Women's Fellowship

Women's fellowship is designed for all women at Souls Harbor - no matter your age, background or life stage. 

We want to meet ladies right where they are and come along side them - encouraging, supporting, praying and equipping them in their journey with God. 

We want to grow our faith and demonstrate His love and grace through our lives and relationships. We want to encourage and equip women to faithfully and fully use their God-given gifts to glorify God.

Bible Study

 When we study and apply Scripture, we find ourselves in accord with God, we are a light in our families, and become a servant to our communities. Chapter by chapter, verse by verse, we approach the Bible as God's Truth, to be studied, savored and lived out.

Thursday Bible Studies
Held every Thursday at 7:00pm.
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a safe place for the soul



10:00am | Main Service & Sunday School

6:00pm | Evening Service


7:30pm | Midweek Service


3541 W Topeka Dr

Glendale, AZ 85308


(623) 582-3736

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